Plastic waste: From the land to the ocean.

Approximately 85% of single-use plastics produced ends up in landfill or as unregulated waste. Inevitably, a worrying amount goes into rivers and gets carried into open seas.

Plastic waste is choking our rivers and oceans

If we do not change how we produce, use and dispose of plastic we will see over 10 million tonnes of waste per year entering the aquatic ecosystems.

Fishing nets in the ocean: Deadliest form of marine plastic.

Another source of plastic waste in the open seas are lost or discarded nylon fishing nets. Each year, about 640,000 tonnes of lost or discarded fishing nets enter the oceans. These nylon nets damage the marine ecosystem and threaten marine animals and even seabirds.

Deadliest plastic weapon in the ocean, ghost nets.

Most plastic items break down into smaller pieces and these eventually become microplastics which poisons the marine ecosystem and can enter the human body.

Seawastex®: Cleaning the ocean and saving our planet.

Every kilogramme of fishing net recovered from the ocean are exchanged for money. The process of recycling involves collecting discarded fishing nets, cleaning, separating them by colour, before shredding them into flakes and processing them into new nylon fibres.